Accelerating innovation across 11 markets with Cigna

Accelerating innovation at scale

In line with their strategic intentionto be a ‘Category of One,’ Cigna needed to build their capacity to deliver innovative, customer-led products and services. To do so, they sought to embed a culture of innovation, based on the principles and practices of Design Thinking across 11 international markets.

participants from 12 international markets
months of ongoing remote training
Up to
implementation funding

Design Thinking capability and leadership

We worked in partnership with the International Markets Customer Value Proposition Team to build a bespoke innovation program that addressed Cigna’s needs and complexity.

Through training and coaching the international markets, Cigna built their Design Thinking capability and leadership within theCustomer Value Proposition Team, ensuring sustainable outcomes for the organisation.

Thanks to our partners at MAKE Studios for great support, insight and professionalism as Design Thinking practitioners.

Michael Quinn
, Head of Customer Value Proposition Development, Cigna

An embedded service mindset

Over the course of the project, the Cigna teams embedded a reflective practice that allowed them to understand, challenge and reshape their approach to innovation. This resulted in a fundamental shift from a product-centric mindset to a service and customer centric mindset.

Over the course of the engagement, the leadership team developed a deep empathy for how to engage, inspire and enable different teams to be generative and experimental.

Design capability training
Design thinking leadership capability development
Event production
Remote coaching